NuGet installation guide

NuGet is the package manager for .NET Development, there are many different package / utility inside NuGet

There are many different ways to install a NuGet Package, you can use command-line interface (CLI) tools and using project, Here we are showing easy way to get started with NuGet, NuGet features in Visual Studio.
Open your web project, then right click on project.

install NuGet

There are many utilities in NuGet package, based on your project requirement, search and install them, you also can uninstall any packgage from the same place.

manage NuGet in project

Install NuGet in Visual Studio using command line

Now we see how to install using command-line interface (CLI) tools To open the command window in Visual Studion project,
go to Tools > NuGet Package Manager > Package Manager Console,
then type get-help NuGet, that will tell you all available commands for NuGet, you don't need to remember, take a look the screen shot below.

install NuGet using command

To update an existing nuget.exe to the latest version, use nuget update -self

for more details take a look at Microsoft Nuget Guide or NuGet.Org

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